Welcome To...
A People's campaign of courageous renewal
This movement isn't affiliated with anyone but you. No one is making any money. NO data collected other than number of hits.
This is simply giving us all cultural permission to speak with each other again...like neighbors - in person at our local watering holes.
We've lost our collective narrative as we've increasingly lost our common spaces. Who are we as a whole? Where are we all going? Do we "see" each other anymore?
It all starts and ends with us. There is no We without a you and me. But we have to start talking with and not at each other again.
So let's Start Talking!
Just pick up one of these for free at your local coffe shop that sponsors OCAAT Conversations
...And put it on your table as an INvitation...and wait for someone to join you!
Sit with Someone You'd
Like to Courageously say Hi to
Here's some simple Ways to get Started...
1. After short introductions, seek to find an "anchoring" experience you both may have had or are mutually interested in to start a conversation on something concrete
2. Now here's the really fun part...follow-up about any of the different ways you both talk about your "anchoring" stories with curiosity questions such as "Tell me more about..." or "I didn't know that, what was that like? etc...Don't skip this part!
3. Leave with greater curiosity about what you both heard
Remember, Grandma's watchin to be sure you're kind and never mean...
Thank You!